Wednesday, July 4, 2018

2018 Fourth of July Extravaganza

We did all the things today. We had a fun bbq potluck with the neighbors...we didn't know anyone there except for the actual neighbors we live by...that is due to our peculiar people status. But hey...we showed. We were neighborly.

Mathew discovered he can stick a speaker to his abs. That's because he is a young bean and he has muscles unencumbered by years of cookies.

Ethan went ALL OUT for the neighborhood bike parade. He loves America!

We had a get together with the Guenthers and Flynns that feature the American pastime of shooting stuff for fun....

Hanging about and chewing the fat.

Doing various feats of strength, agility and general one-up-manship in the name of entertaining ourselves.

Then ditching our sissy city boundaries for the wild child to the west, Gardner.  That whole city is lighting their money on fire and we are more than happy to sit back and watch the show!

Happy Fourth Everybody!! Yeehaw!

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