Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Things are kind of changing around here. The big kids are all in school and that leaves me and the two littles to bebop about and do a few things on our own. Mostly that means grocery shopping and chores. But today, it meant going to the Farmstead to feed a few animals and enjoy the sunshine.

Having less kids means that the ones you do have get to spend more time on the activities they are interested in. 

Like Anna and the milking pails. Normally I would rush her through this, but today I can just find a bench and let her milk to her heart's content. 

We fed the pushy little goats. Anna is totally experienced and has no fear, as previously established.

Everly got a quick lesson on these greedy little guys. They really are so pushy!

But soon she was handling it like a pro. Look how she's even got her hand near it's teeth....*shudder*.

The other great thing about only having a couple kids with you is that you can spring for treats without breaking the bank.

Heck...let's have ice cream!

It only seems fair to go get onion rings with Ethan later.

I'm thinking....

Pizza with Laney?
Custard with Mathew?
Chinese food with Megan?

Fair is fair.

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