Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Baby Training

Last night was misery.

Pure misery. Even though I waded through it in a fog of semi-consciousness, I still know it was misery.

We are 6 weeks into Anna's brief life and I have successfully trained her to nurse at least every half an hour, whether she's hungry or not (although how hungry can a person get when eating every 30 minutes?). I have also convinced her that she is incapable of sleeping anywhere but my exhausted arms. This results in very stressful, sweaty, squirmy, crampy, awkward sleeping arrangements for both of us...and Mark.

But we hit rock bottom last night and I emerged into today with a determination to turn this ship around. We waited at least 2 1/2 hrs between feedings and I put her down in her crib every time she fell asleep. She must have missed the memo, because the first nap of the day, it took me 8 tries to get her down 3 times for the same nap. oy.

But things got progressively easier and by midafternoon, she blessed me with a solid 2 hour nap....IN THE CRIB!! This is nothing short of miraculous. My older children would agree, because 2 hours in the crib translates to 2 hours in which I can pitch in around the house and get the meals made. I folded 7 loads of laundry and prepped for dinner. Nothing snazzy, but it'll be better that toaster waffles or cold cereal and that is something strange and wonderful.

Hooray for the change that misery inspires!

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