Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Under construction

Some might question our decision to undergo multiple renovation projects right before hosting an open house for Ethan and Kassie's wedding. 

Those would be the smart people. 

But here we are and there's no getting out of it. Let's all say our prayers and hopefully the floor won't look like this as of May 18th. 

After 18 years, 6 kids with a penchant for living room eating and two geriatric dogs....it was time for new carpet. 

The hardwood floors will be refinished and that means the banister will get an update too! Restained to a dark walnut and wrought iron spindles that don't pop out. 

The tick-marks scratched into the newel post have been sanded out. They are still ever so faint...and I'm not sad about it. 

The floor guy came and put down some samples for us, so we could choose which one we liked the best. I didn't realize he was going to sand down a large area and actually stain the actual floor with actual stain. 

I also didn't think he would get the wrong address and put down 5 colors we didn't ask for. 

No matter....back to stain a couple more spots!

We made our carpet selections....and then made them again when we found out that our choice was discontinued. 

In the meatime, we have guys in the back yard replacing our rickety fence with a new metal one.  It doesn't feel as private, but considering a large section of the old one had fallen down, its' definitely an upgrade. 

And guess who will never have to restain that fence again??

It's not all bad. We've been spending lots of quality time in the garage...sitting on our garage couches. 


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