Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Animal Talks, one last goodbye

The Animal Talks!

We walk from Sunnyside to Olathe South and let the 4th graders check out all the creature in the Student Naturalist class. I still can't believe that we have never run into any of our high school kids when we're there for one of these field trips. 

It's possible they are hiding. 

Everly was pretty excited to have the day off to check out the lizards, birds, spiders, bunnies, weasels and a chinchilla. 

2 finger touch!

Peak a boo!

But the best one of all....our favorite crested gecko, Flynn!

He definitely remembers all the love in his eyes?

I don't know if we will meet again, so we said our goodbyes. If he can survive 7 more years of teenager care, maybe Everly will get to say hello when she's a Junior!

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