Saturday, March 28, 2020

Is this illegal?

Well, the state is under a "stay-at-home" order. That means, naturally, that we are supposed to STAY AT HOME.

But we are already going crazy. Everything feels weird and shopping at the grocery store comes with crazy eyes and suspicious looks. No one is talking to each other and I'm not sure why, but it's like we're afraid to even smile at each other.

It is legit freaking me out.

So we are doing the next best thing.


It is always deserted this time of year. Not a soul in sight.

So we can just head out there, make our tinfoil dinners and pretend to be normal for a few days.

Sloppy joes in hot dog buns normal.

The boys all opted out. Mat and Ethan both had work and Mark isn't moving mountains to sleep on the ground. ('s true)

We ladies know how to handle ourselves.

The girls ran off to explore and I found myself a comfy spot to read my book.

I may have underestimated the severity of the storm that was scheduled to roll through our first night. I just kept telling myself that tents probably don't attract lightening. I did look at the radar map many times to see if it was almost over. That was about the time I realized that we were camping on a peninsula...not so great for flood conditions.

On the other hand, it definitely got my mind off of Covid.

The sun peeked out a bit the next day and we resolved to stick it out and stay another night. Everly and Anna borrowed my phone and returned it with plenty of photos from their adventures.

We absolutely didn't do anything besides poke at the fire and roast marshmallows. The second night was much more restful...I didn't even have to pee in lightning once.

We almost got away with our covert camping trip...but then we remembered Everly had to get on to a classroom zoom meeting. It was hard to hide the camping hair and tent backdrop. heh heh.


It was totally worth it.

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