Monday, May 13, 2019

Longest Day

I think an itinerary would have been useful from the moment we stepped out the door today.

First things first! The girls both had auditions for the school talent show. Right before we left to go drop them at school, Anna got something in her eye. Now, of course, we all get things in our eye and we do our best to cry it out our wipe it out or even rinse it out. None of those things were working and it was clear she was not going to be able to go right to school. So we dropped off Laney and Everly and we headed to the walk in clinic across the street. The doctor there gave her some numbing eye drops and naturally she immediately felt relief. What she didn't do was get the stinking thing out of her eye!

So while we were thinking all is well, we jammed over to Sunnyside to watch Laney's audition. She ROCKED it, I tell you!

I was thinking I'd be able to leave Anna there and come back to watch her audition, but the medicine was wearing off and the pain was back full force. We talked to nurse Amy and she recommended I take her to Eye Associates and have someone look at her. Duh!! Eye doctor...makes sense!

So we managed to get in and this amazing woman gave her the numbing drops for the second time today (apparently, if you overuse them, you will do permanent damage) and she located the sharp piece of plastic that had embedded itself in Anna's eye. (ouch!!). She could also see that Anna had scratched her cornea. (OUCH OUCH!)

So we left with the sharp object removed, a happy girl and these super stylin shades. She missed her audition, but she'll be okay. She'll live to uke another day.

Fast forward through all the rest of the regular after-school rigmarole and we have the endless end-of-year band banquet. Ethan is a senior, so he gets to share his future plans with everyone.

He said he plans to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and join the marine corps. We did some hootin and hollerin for him!

We sat and ate the customary friend chicken and sparse side dishes and then it was time for the concert! I'm always happy to listen to my kids play. LOVE that part.

But then there is another hour and a half of announcements and awards to get through. I sent Mark home with the kids and I waited for the boys. 3 hours in one venue isn't even something we do at church anymore! But Mathew got to stand up...he was made uniform that was exciting for a couple minutes!

And now....we sleep!

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