Monday, September 17, 2018

NourishKC FHE

Now that all the kids are in school, I have time. So much time!! I am blogging and cleaning and reading and lunching with the ladies. I'm going to the temple and crafting and repairing and visiting and volunteering! It's nothing short of miraculous. 

I knew that when it came to volunteering, I didn't want to bounce all around. I wanted to find a place where I can help and really get involved. After my first time serving the homeless at NourishKC, I knew this was it. 

I go downtown once a week to help out with lunch and I love it so much. It seems to help make sense of all the rest of the stuff I'm doing.  It's hard work and it gets me off of my stupid phone.  Miracles.

Monday nights just happen to be a food prep night, so I signed us up as a family and we headed up. Austin Stecklein and Kylie Flynn tagged along because they are super awesome kids. 

Everyone got to rock a hat or a hairnet.

Even Mark!

My hairnet turns my hair into a perfect lima bean shape. Not attractive. But that's not the point, right?


Even the little girls got to slip on some plastic gloves and get to work. The did an excellent job deconstructing some donated vegetable shishkabobs.

Kylie and Megan were given the great honor of using the super sharp knives to decob the corn. Austin stuck with the shucking in the background. Oh, we are going to miss our Kylie when she leaves for her mission!

Mathew prepped for the next day's continental breakfast.

The boys pitched in and things went pretty smoothly.

When they were done with their veggie duties, the three littles masterfully wrapped the forks for the next day. These guys are experts with details.

Kenny is the orchestrator of all the madness that comes with delegating dozens of tasks to dozens of people in a short amount of time. Here he is giving the girls a pep talk and reminding them to use their charming personalities to get others to come and help. uh.....ok.

It was hectic and busy and my favorite part was that the kids didn't bother fighting with each other because they were working! I love it! I think we'll make this a tradition.

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