Thursday, May 2, 2013

That's the stuff....

If you know me, you know I'm afraid of babies.

From the minute they send us home from the hospital to that unknown, undefinable moment that I realize that I'm not having mini panic attacks throughout the day...I live in fear.

Because seriously.  They can't talk...they cry...they are mad or sad or hungry....they need me to use both of my arms...they don't like it when I sit down....

I scares me.

So for quite awhile of each baby's life, THIS is the goal:


Sweet quiet sleeping bliss.

But then a little time passes and I start to feel less and less like I am going to randomly start sobbing and I realize that somehow meals get made and laundry gets done and the other 5 kids are receiving acceptable amounts of love and attention.

And then THIS happens.

One minute she's....

and suddenly she's...

And I'll tell you the honest-to-goodness truth.

I will give upTHIS




  1. Everly is so very sweet in every way!!! Makes you just want to snuggle up with her. Such a cute little smile and an angelic face. What a dolly!

  2. This post sounds exactly like my "newborn baby transition phase" every.single.time. That first month or so is totally survival mode in every form of the word. And not just for Mommy, the whole family gets to join in the chaos of our transition. So glad I'm not alone. Except for you've done it 6 times! I'm nervously preparing for my 3rd and very scared at what awaits. Everly is adorable - can't wait to officially make her acquaintance. :D

  3. I never knew you had mini panic attacks with kids. You seem so go-with-the-flow. Seriously, I think about you regularly when I'm in near meltdown/the kids should run and hide mode. And I think, I need to just take it as it comes, the way Maren does.
