Thursday, June 14, 2012

It's time for a haircut.

The girls get short haircuts every summer.

They think it's a great idea until they watch 'Tangled' and then they give me dirty looks and act like I betrayed them and their dreams of having hair that inexplicably has magical powers to heal and assist in fighting battles.

And they are right. It is totally my idea. Because they won't scream at me for 4 or 5 beautiful months when it takes about 2 seconds to wash/dry/brush/style their hair.  It is worth the scorn.

So they went on in to Greatclips and we rolled the dice like one always does when one goes to great clips.


And then we came back home and I remembered about the baby.

Turns out she's a girl too... and her hair has developed a few "issues".

So I figured if the Greatclips ladies can do can I.

And if it turns out I can't, Anna is way to small to actually hate me yet.

So we set to work on the rat's nest that had taken up residence on the back of her head.

And soon we had:

I'm a total sucker for the behind-the-ear-swoosh.

And for what it's worth, I think it totally solved the problem.

Don't you?

1 comment:

  1. Dear sweet Anna, I don't want to laugh at your amazing hair, but I just can't help it, please forgive me for giving out a huge belly roaring, side splitting rumble of goodness at your awesome, electrifying hair do's. Now the swoosh and tuck is super cute and your mom did an awesome job, but I really do prefer the piggy tail, back hawk thing you had going on in the boat. Love, Tara
