Sunday, September 25, 2022

Everly at the mic

 Just in case I'm not feeling bad enough...I missed the primary program and Everly doing her part. gah!

I'm glad Mark snuck an illegal photo for me. hee hee. 

He snagged a pic of Anna's excellent nails, while he was at it. I seriously love being a mom. These kids make life fun.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Homecoming with Dad

 I have a special gift for going out of town when important things are happening at home. It's ok. I torture myself to make up for it. 

Megan is went to Homecoming while Laney and I were in Utah. I took her shopping to find a cute dress before I left. She found the perfect one at Plato's Closet! And it was 12 bucks!

Which meant we had lots of budget for KILLER SHOES. 


Now remember. I'm not there on the day of the dance. Or the days leading up to it when Megan decided she should go get a haircut. From Nicole...the lady that wants everyone to have long, blonde highlights. 

It was....a little short. 

You can see exactly home much she liked it right there in her face. We thought she was a dead ringer for Aunt Jenny when she was that age. Tell me I'm wrong. 

So the day of the dance comes. Mark is chatting with Megan and he finds out that her finds are all going to dinner without her. There was a miscommunication at some point and she wasn't included in the reservations. She said it was no big deal (classic Megan) and that she would just go get a burger on her own (oh, heck no).  Mark got dressed up and took his daughter out to dinner. 

I love how she styled her hair!

Off to the park to snap some pictures. So pretty!

Making her laugh with a fart joke....

And she was off to the dance. 

He's the best dad. 

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Utah Trip with Laney

Off to visit Utah with my Laney. We rocked the early flight again...that means we are up by 3 am. 

That's the best 3 am hair I've ever traveled with!

That's the happy smile of a kid that just realized they get to pick the siblings to argue with!

We hit the ground running when we got to Utah! We found lots of ways to have fun with Grandma Kathleen and Ethan. He wasn't gone long before we were there for a visit! We stopped off at Hobby Lobby, everyone chose their spirit animal. 

We marveled at the bulk "salads" at Macy's deli counter. I'm not being sarcastic. I would love to have this in Kansas. 

And then we went to see a play at Hale Center Theater. Lara, Kaira, Heidi, and Terrah all joined in! It was exactly how I remember it when I was a kid.

Friday morning we got up and got to work on Mom's yard. Time to get everything pruned, clipped and weeded for the winter. 

Saturday morning we went Salt Lake to meet up with Bri, Tonic, Johnny, Max, Chelsea and their families for a breakfast. It was so great to catch up with John's kids. We haven't seen them in ages!

After breakfast, we ventured over to the Church Art Exhibit. There were some very cool pieces. 

Some were pretty relatable.

Bonus! It was Comic Con weekend!

Grandma was tired after a full morning, so we took her home to rest and we went over to see Heidi and Deiter. 

We thought it would be fun to go to WitchFest at Gardner Village. Ethan is already pretty tight with Romie.

Sunday morning, Ethan drove us up to the airport...but first! One more yummy breakfast. 

Oh my....Utah scones. Fried perfection.

And one last chance to watch that movie in peace!

Back to Kansas we go. 

Sunday, September 18, 2022


 Poor little Jesper passed away last night. Anna's heart is broken. She worked hard to help him be tame and he finally was able to be held. He was a sweetie. 

Anna made him a sweet little grave near the big tree in the back yard. She felt like the big roots would protect him. And she had full use of all the flowers in the garden to make his little spot beautiful.

45 years and 2 days

My word, life has been crazy! 

It took us two extra days to be able to celebrate Mark's 45th birthday. 

This guy deserves Chicken Parm!

I love the way these guys put together little performances to announce their love for their dad! 

The cake turned out perfectly! Even the baking gods love him!

We called up the boys...time to sing!

Mark video taped his own birthday song....

Happy Birthday to....


And he kept the camera rolling while blowing out the candles...that's the kind of thing only a fresh 45 year old could do. 

Happy Birthday, my love! 


Saturday, September 17, 2022

Into the Wide World

 He's all packed. 

He's had out hugs.

And heading to Utah! 

All we can do is chase him down the street.