Thursday, September 15, 2022


Our first ever game at Arrowhead. I've heard a few things about what it's like to be there. 

It's loud. SO LOUD. 

Everyone is super into it and EVERYONE wears read. They really do. 

Do you think they'll notice that my red shirt isn't legit? It's the only red one I had! 

Sitting down during the game isn't a thing. 

Still, the view wasn't so bad from down there. I'm over 40...I like to sit down!

Mark gets me. 

The kids had a great time. 

I did not. But it's not the Chiefs fault. I spend the entire time on the phone with the 3 younger girls trying to break up endless fights and convince them that running away is not an option. I manically checked on their location as they defied all orders and walked to Price Chopper. Sure, I'm an hour away and wouldn't be able to help if a kidnapper decides to grab you, but go ahead! Walk to Price Chopper in the dark. WHYYYY???


They survived. The kidnappers were off duty. 

And the Chiefs won!! Maybe we should get some real shirts?


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