Thursday, September 8, 2022

Old Settlrs

 You know we've been to Old Settler's before. Many times. 

But we've never really BEEN to Old Settler's. Not really. We had no idea what we were missing by showing up just for the parade. 

This year we went to the Falcon Regiment's  preview performance on Thursday night. 

Did you know that Thursday night is the perfect time to go to the fair? Nobody is there and the lines are super small. We also learned that the Sikhs give away a free yummy dinner. Curry and rice!

I introduced the kids to the lovely neon glow of the carnival.

Merry Go Round for Ethan and Everly!

And the Tilt a Whirl for Anna and Laney....look at that! She's tall enough!

Was one night of carnival fun enough for us??

Oh no! 

We went back for more on Friday night!

I haven't been down for riding any spinny rides since that fateful day in 1993, "Zero Gravity" at Payson Onion Days taught me what happens to your stomach once your inner ear grows in. El Barfo.

Megan took Anna. She's an adrenaline junkie!

We settled in on the curb with a big fluff of cotton candy

Saturday morning we left bright and early to get awesome seats for the parade. We found the best 2 dollar breakfast burritos at the Cub Scout booth. Yum!

Falcon Regiment! 

And the best one of all! Megan on cymbals!

And just for good measure.... another plate of curry from our friends, the Sikhs and one more ride on the Tilt a Whirl. 

The person on the outside gets smashed!

Megan and her band buddies heading back to the school after the parade. I can't get enough of those cute kids and their braces. 

Old Settler's! Who knew?

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