Saturday, September 14, 2024

MNU Oly Meet

Have you ever cried for joy at a weightlifting meet? I have..and I'll do it again!

Everly has been doing Olympic weightlifting for a couple years now. She was lifting with Lion Chaser most of that time, but the drive out to Gardner and the cost was really starting to wear us out. 

So when we decided to start our own Oly Club at On Track, she decided to switch over. Coach Sahn has transformed her and her confidence has grown exponentially!

This was her first meet and she did awesome!

One of the very best things about On Track Oly is that Mark and Everly are doing it together. So they are able to spend lots of time working, talking and building their relationship. I couldn't love it more.

This was Mark's second meet. He set a goal to lift at least 200 kg combined on his lifts and he got 210!

 Their final numbers: 

Everly Snatch: 12 kg, 14 kg, 15 kg

Everly Clean and Jerk:14kg, 16kg, 18kg

She got 6 out of the 6 lifts and really loved the experience!

Mark Snatch: 85kg, 88kg, 90kg

Mark Clean and Jerk: 110kg, 115kg, 120kg

He also got 6 out of 6 and was so happy with all his numbers!

And she's still our girl. 

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