Saturday, October 1, 2022

We bought a gym

We bought OUR gym!

And ever since, we've been working night, day, and weekends to fix, paint, clean, refinish, replace and generally give it new life. We love this place and we know it can be amazing. 

Here's what we've been up to for the last couple months:

Tearing out old carpet.  Two words....Old Pee. 

Everything needed attention. 

Not a moment too soon.

The landlord started renovations on the front "offices". They have always been used for living quarters and they were in complete disrepair. 

We hired someone to build a wall. Goodbye, open air toilets!

They built it. We painted it. That was WAY more work that we thought it would be. 

Time to repaint the floor lines. Everything red, is going yellow. OnTrack is now the largest local buyer of Unmellow Yellow. 

The old sign literally peeled off the front of the building and landed on the sidewalk. The Terry's worked magic with a sheet of galvanized steel. 

A meeting with all our coaches, new and old. Time to change the culture. These awesome folks are the ones to do it!

Gorgeous new bathrooms! Ross is a DIY master. 

Pee carpet gone, a new clean space for the kids ready to go!

The front office turned out amazing. We have a shop area, kitchen, storage closets, office for Mark and Dan and two more offices we can sunlease out to our favorite chiropractor, Dr. Bob!

The kids a getting comfortable's starting to feel like a second home. I think that's a good thing?

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