Friday, October 7, 2022

Girls Camp 2022: Day 3

Girls Camp: Day 3

We went for a trail ride on one of the hottest days of the summer. Still totally awesome. 


We stopped at the Short Stop for those famous ice cream cones. But for the second time this weekend, we were robbed of the experience. Ice cream machines broken just as we got to the front of the line. 

There were lots of votes on what we should do instead, so we ended up going over to Eureka Springs for a little window shopping and a visit to the Thorncrown Chapel.

It was brutally hot and we were wiped out from camping and horses and travel. But my kids were pretty excited about this artsy town. Megan made plans to move into the community as soon as she can. 

Finally back at camp, we settled into finishing up crafts, enjoying nature and making a yummy dinner. 

One of my favorite things about being with these girls at camp is seeing what they do when they have time to just be bored. They never disappoint. 

Our final devotional. I love the glowy string light at night. 

Group hugs!

Our lovely girls after packing up the next morning. We were up bright and early to beat the heat!

We learned alot and grew a strong bond. I was so grateful for the way my daughters stepped up for me and for Mark overcoming his strong aversion to camping and heat and sleeping in a tent to come and support me when I needed him. 

And when it was all said and done, I think these girls had a great time and they learned that even when the ice cream machine breaks, you can press on and go find ice cream at the Redneck waterslide. 

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