Friday, October 14, 2022

Wallace Highlights

You know I love going to Wallace. I love the cool weather and I love hanging out with my kids and cooking and building all the fire. 

This year was just like all the years. 

With a few notable exceptions. Let's hit the highlights!

We have a tent heater and it is FABulous. It does require that I get up about every 3 hours to fire it up and then lay there in fear that I might fall asleep and kill us all in a fiery blaze, but it's so worth it. 

Camping with daughters. It's a glamorous undertaking. 

The Guenther's surprised us by driving up from Texas! 

The three amigos are reunited! Everywhere I turned, they were huddles somewhere catching each other up on their relationships. 

The kids hours and hours at the clay wall. Either chipping away at it to make a place to sit or hauling back big chunks to put in my one good cooking pot and turn into a huge mess on the concrete slab under our picnic table. I love it. 

I took the time to precariously load myself into a hammock with a pillow and blanket and had a wonderful snooze. 

Feeling cute in my hobby lobby beanie. 

And putting my new camping cast iron to the test. 

Verdict: LOVE. 

Until we meet again, Wallace. MWAH!

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