Sunday, June 19, 2022

Garden Haven

I know what you're thinking....

What's happening in the garden this year? 

Firstly, I finally realized that if I want to have any blueberries, I'll have to make sure that the birds don't take them all. That's hard to do when your blueberry bush is in a place you hardly ever go....but I did it!

And check out this bountiful harvest! That has to be like 3/4 a cup or something. Well worth the months of anticipation.

The shelling peas are a shining star this year. Look at those beauties! 

And a Maren Hufford first....broccoli!! The sight of those broccoli heads sparks true joy in my heart!

And in my belleh.

Aren't these cabbage actually darling? 

Hello, Mr. Onion! You are killing it.

Corn and sunflower bed on the left, bean bed on the right. This year is my last ditch effort at successful corn. I've made a fatal mistake each year.... picked too late, planted to close, planted two varieties...

If I can make 12 corn stalks produce a few delicious ears of corn this year, I'm moving on to something else...even though I will miss is tall cuteness.

The view from the east side...

If you look carefully, you can see the cucumber trellis leaning over the kale and lettuce bed. I had hoped that the cucumbers would lengthen the season for the spring greens, but I think I will still be too hot to save them by the time the cukes can really vine up and give coverage. 

A better view of the corn and sunflowers...

I planted Scarlet Runner Beans this, can they climb. They are already 10 feet tall and too high for me to pick. But the coolness is totally worth it!

These are the Cape Gooseberry plants I started from some smashed fruit I got at Hyvee. They are doing awesome and I can't wait to see if I get a gooseberry crop! These are my replacement for the tomatillos I've done each year. Turns out, there is only so much you can do with hundreds of tomatillos...for this girl, anyway. At least with the gooseberries, I'll munch them. 

 Stay tuned! I'm bound to take more photos as things ripen and the harvest starts coming in!

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