Tuesday, July 11, 2023

A bit of gardening

 It might not seem like it, but I am gardening. 

I'm doing some different tomatoes. My personal favorite is the "Mortgage Lifter" variety.


Besides that, I'm really trying to get some perennials started. I'd love to have a good portion of the garden come up on it's own every year. Then I can just fill in with the veggies I want. 

I've got some dahlias. In fact I order lots of different bulbs from Tulip World and not a single one turned out to be what I ordered. But these orange dahlias are gorgeous. A happy accident!

I planted these campanulas 2 years ago...they finally came up! "Oh, Campanula!" (Were-Rabbit reference)

Bachelor buttons! 

Two varieties of cosmos. (I wish their bushiness wouldn't take over the whole bed and surrounding walkways.)

Zinnias! I'm hatching a plan to go FULL ON ZINNIA next year. It's gonna be cool!

This is my favorite part, starting to bring in a few goodies and giving away some cabbages. Because who can it this many cabbages??

Monday, July 10, 2023

Friday, July 7, 2023

I've got a feeling

Ethan met someone. 

Her name is Kassie and I've got a feeling she's someone special. 

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

A Fourth of a different flavor

 Starting off the day with a hero WOD at On Track! It was a huge turnout. 

Home to do some patriotic nails and find our America t-shirts!

We never really have solid plans for where we will watch fireworks. We tend to wander over to Gardner Lake and pull over in an unidentified grassy patch that I promise you I would not be able to find in the daytime.  It's got an okay view of some fireworks and we have a fair amount of mosquito biting going on. It's fun...it's a semi-tradition...and it's always in danger of getting ditched for a better idea.

We heard that the view at the Lenexa Stake Center was pretty great, so we figured we would try it out. 

Some good friends, glow sticks and a quick exit out the back lot and I'd say it's a future contender!

Happy Birthday, America!