Saturday, March 19, 2022

Summoned to St. George

Our friend reached out and asked for help. 

So we came.

We didn't know why, other that over the few days we were together, we got brave and opened up our lives. We supported each other, listened and tried to understand. There was so much happening in their inner worlds, things no one could ever guess from looking at their smiles and "I'm fine" appearances. 

I can only guess that this is what is happening for every woman. Outer strength and inner turmoil.

As I drove away, I felt so worried. It was clear that the one that called us together was the one that perhaps didn't get what she was too hard and too scary. I understand how that feels. There are things that I will probably never say out loud to anyone. But I think there is a lot to be said for knowing that after 10 years, your friends will come when you call. And they'll pour out their souls just so you will feel like it's safe for you to do it too. 


Thursday, March 17, 2022

75 Hard

I'd have to be a much better writer than I am to effectively communicate what it means to finish 75 Hard. 75 gallons of water, several excellent books read, meal tracking, annoying all of our friends, calorie counting and almost daily winter walks...some so cold that I was grateful to have thick warm facemasks leftover from the pandemic. 

But we did it!


Mark's last walk: 

And mine, on my trip to St. George:

Our respective rewards on Day 76!

Monday, March 14, 2022

Laney sails into 14

Birthday smoothie!!

Decorations courtesy of Megan! 

And what better that Laney's current obsession for dinner? A double pan of fried rice!

I am telling you, if you have the ability, go watch the video of us singing "Happy Birthday" to Laney. It came together in a cosmic vortex of harmony. It changed who we are as a family and we will forever be chasing that feeling! 

 Happy Birthday, Laneybug! We are so glad you belong to us!

Saturday, March 12, 2022

THEE Brocation

Speaking as one that did not attend the first ever Brocation, I can only offer my impressions of the event. 

From what I can gather, it involved:

Lots of custom brocation swag:

so much golfing

at courses both expensive and stunning

sometimes unfavorable terrain and weather 

nightly punishments for the losing team, courtesy of a freezing pool

ceremonial bestowal of "The Jacket"

and plenty of man food. 

The Brocation will live on. This I know. 

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Average Joes

 We are smack dab in the middle of the Open. 

And we are looking for any advantage we can get. Since I can't offer much by way of speed, strength or endurance, I will offer up my crafting skills!

I don't think Alinda was the kid that was afraid to show up with a fabulous do on 'Crazy Hair Day" in elementary. She's the coolest.

Rhonda isn't on our team, but her commitment to bathrobe thrusters deserves an honorable mention.

Sunday, March 6, 2022


 I will 100% guarantee to that when Ethan came home to show me his new clothes, he wasn't hoping to hear me say....


But I will also 100% guarantee you that he is super excited to find someplace for us to go in our matching duds. 

Cuz he's the sweetest. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2022


I have become accustomed to certain things at this stage of our family life.  While I know it is not set in stone and I can jump back into the fray if I absolutely have to...I will do just about anything to not drive my children to high school anymore. 

Megan is graduating and that means that Laney needs to GET ON THE DRIVERS EDUCATION TRAIN. It's leaving the station and mama is here to wave goodbye from the platform.

Is Laney excited?

Laney is not.

Does Laney respond to feministic lectures about independence and self-reliance?

Laney does not. 

Can Laney be bribed with art supplies and movie tickets?

Laney can. 

You got this, my dear one.