The truth: I've become pretty fluffy over the last few years. I've been carrying around an extra 15-20 lbs for a while now, and while that isn't the worst thing in the world, I really was so tired of looking at myself in photos and feeling shocked at what I was seeing. That's not me!
So....Mark and I got serious and started with the RP diet. It is all app based and basically teaches you how truly awful you have been eating.
We started with a before photo and bought a scale. I felt so stupid measuring my food, but I got over it. Knowing exactly what was supposed to be on that plate took the guesswork out of it. I was sure that if I followed the rules, I'd see benefits.
So....I did.
And I tell you what.
Things started to change. The food I was eating was clean and healthy. I stopped having that itchy, angsty need for sugar after every meal. I stopped feeling bloated and tired. I started losing weight!

I started looking at the food that I am putting into my body and I started taking the time to choose and cook and care about myself. I stopped acting like trash compactor for all the food my kids leave on their plates.
I started saying "NO" to all the treats that are given to me or made near me.
It was so hard.
But I did it anyway.
And, as you can tell, I started taking pictures of my food. Because I was proud of my choices and because it was so colorful and beautiful! And...I knew I'd need to remember the things that I liked and make them for myself again. Brussel sprouts are gorgeous, you know. And steak isn't too expensive. It's delicious and worth it and makes me excited to have a meal. And then one day I dropped below 140 and my jeans fit great and I was eating 5 times and day and working out 5 times a week and I was feeling amazing. I drank a cup of juice and got a insta-headache. THE SUGAR!! Plain greek yogurt used to taste like sour cream to me. Now it's one of my favorites....cut up with a crispy apple and sprinkle with nuts. yum!
I learned how to eat out and not lose my mind and give up on my goals. Every place has veggies. Every place will grill meat. If they don't...go somewhere else. Making a smart choice is super hard and then makes me super happy. I feel better.
And yesterday...I achieved my goal....15 lbs gone.
Oh....and Mark did this too! He has his own pictures and his own story...I'll let him post them if he chooses!