Thursday, September 18, 2014

I got my eye on the prize

The drywallers, mudders and tapers have come and gone. 

And the left quite a mess.

That isn't dust.  It was once wet and now it has dried and stuck itself onto the floor.

Here's a spot where a square drywall kept a spot "clean".

Time to get out the duct tape and face the music.

It took me two solid days of scrubbing, scraping and rag ringing, but I finally got to my last square. If I could have dug it up and framed it, I would have. 

It was hard work and I was glad to have it behind me. 

Next was painting the ceilings.

Not the funnest.

The girls were in for another couple days of playing on the concrete while I worked.

Everly dipped her finger in the paint and I thought it was sweet, so I didn't stop her....I mean, how bad could it be? She'll do a little finger painting!

Sometimes I wonder if I've ever met my children before.

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