Monday, September 8, 2014

Canning, Mustache Monday and a Fatty

1. One of the consequences of a fun family outing to the apple orchard is....


I figured it was finally time to buy a canner and start a jar collecton.

So far I've canned 12 jars of applesauce and dried several batches of apple chips in the dehydrator.

I also made a quart of apple peel syrup out of the cores and peels. It was pretty tasty!

2. In other news, Spirit week is upon us and I am thrilled to find out that we have ditched "Sports Day" and "Crazy Sock Day" for "Mustache Day" and "Tie Dye Day". Not that those are inherently better....just DIFFERENT!

We simply don't own crazy socks.

But we can paint mustachios with water-proof mascara.

3. I thought our caterpillar season had ended for the year.

I was wrong.

We found this fatty (Horned Tomato Worm) chomping down on my tomato plants with gusto.

He will be transformed into a Sphinx Moth and so we will let him move into the sprouting jar and see what we will see.

4. So....the mudders/tapers are down with the drywall and ceiling texture. It is a total mess and it's going to take me forEVER to clean it up and then paint it.

Sweeping is futile.

This is going to take a bucket of water, a scraper and on-hands-and-knees scrubbing. HOORAY!


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