Monday, February 13, 2012

Turning 36...

The thing I think of when I ponder what it is to be thirty-six, is that is seems like that is the age when my risk factors for all sorts of things shoot way up. Way, WAY up.  Things like blod clots and heart attacks and obesity and pregnancy complications.

So I've go that going for me.

Let's focus on happier things.

Like meatloaf.

Well, technically that would be meat casserole.

And some ridiculous potatoes. Think small. Think crispy. Think butter.

And then there is the fun of being the center of attention for a whole meal. All my little chickies gathered around me. Mark taking pictures that will document this moment for the all our posterity. 

"This is what Mom looked like when she was Thirty-SIX!"

And then it hits you that you forgot to take a shower today. Whoopsie!

Not to worry. There is chocolate cake.

Infused with multi-colored wax.

And there is a card that turns into a crown.

(I see that expression on my face, and even though I know that I look ridiculous, I am also aware that I make that face ALOT. Even looking at this photo makes me involuntarily make that face.)

And don't forget the fireworks!

Here's to thirty-six and all of its risk factors!

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