Friday, February 17, 2012



I went to Walmart Customer Service desk and a) paid for an item that I accidentally shoplifted last week but didn't have the energy to unbuckle my kids from their carseats and trudge back in to pay for. b) picked up two items that were payed for but forgot at the checkout lane c) returned an item that I bought but didn't need. Walmart, we are now even steven. My conscience is clear.

I brought in all my groceries from the van and put them on the floor because the countertops were too cluttered to accomodate my haul. I sat down for a moment and took my attention off my extremely curious toddler. I paid for it by cleaning up 4 sticks of unwrapped butter off the rug in the kitchen. Did you know that butter is 2.99 a pound? Even at Aldi?

I sat down again. I didn't have the oomph to put away the groceries just yet. I paid for it by cleaning up another pound of butter off of the rug in the kitchen.

I never learn.

After school Ethan informed me that he was the one who made up the term "Linsanity". I told him he is very clever. And also very resourceful to get it into mainstream media so quickly.

I performed the baby heimlich. For real. And it was very very scary.

We had Skyline chili for dinner because it is important to stay in touch with our Cincinnati roots.

We microwaved a bar of Ivory soap.   Because Pinterest told me to.  It is cool.  But gets very nasty in the tub and creates more floaties than I find acceptable. You have been warned.

Did the prep work for tomorrow's "Crazy Hair Day" at school.  Lots and lots of little braids were quickly braided while the toddler reeked havoc on an otherwise clean room. I was helpless and she knew it.

I laid down by Mark to read for a few minutes before he fell asleep at his usual 8:30 bedtime (here's to you, early-morning seminary!) and fell asleep....leaving the TV, lights, and stove on. All night.

Somehow we are still alive to greet Friday.


  1. I shouldn't tell you, but I'm going to anyway. This made me laugh. A lot. Sorry. :)

  2. Oh, how I love a good Maren fix. Thank you, as always, for being your witty, witty motherly self. Sorry about the baby heimlich. Everything else was pretty darn hilarious.
