Friday, September 12, 2008

I'm a chart maker. I have exactly 8 charts on the side of the fridge that we are USING. We have:
*a chart for our Saturday schedule
*one for the weekdays when there is no school
*one for the weekdays when there is school
*one to track Ethan's 'extra mile' efforts to earn "Nim's Island"
*one to track Mathew's extra mile efforts to earn "Kung Fu Panda"
*one to track Mathew's effort to not hit, bite, pinch, spit, or scratch anyone. anywhere. He will then earn "Kung Fu Panda" (I know, I know, but he hasn't noticed that he is doing two things for one please don't tell him)

*one for the kid's morning tasks---get dressed, brush teeth, etc
*one for the kid's evening tasks--get dressed, brush teeth, stop talking, please stop talking, go to bed now or I'm going to lose my mind, etc.

Why so many charts? I don't have clue. Whenever anything feels out of whack or chaotic, my first impulse is to make a chart. And really most of the time they work great.
"Mom? Can I watch tv?
"I don't know...what does the chart say?"
"It says 'Outside time'"
"I guess it's outside time then"
The chart takes on an authority all its own. Love it.
The great part is that if I need them to chill a bit and watch tv while I get the baby down for a nap, I just let them do it and don't refer them to the chart. It's a win win situation. For me.

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