Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Roaring "River" Girls Camp: Day 1

Girls Camp.

Day One. 

Bright and early at the Stake Center

Remember that glorious river we camped by just one month ago? It's gone. 



And I want to bawl. 

But we're all here and it's time to suck it up and set up the tents.

And then we do the only thing we can do if we want to survive this week....we find water. This is the same spot that was totally submerged when we were last here. Now it's down about 4 feet and smells fishy. But it'll do the trick. 

Some girls and leaders prefer to set up in the cool shady water under the bridge. 

There were crawdads and minnows to catch!

Aliya and Laney made an arena for their biggest captive. 

Meanwhile, down by the river...they figured out that just past the fishy lukewarm wading pool was a cool spring-fed river. And it was glorious. 

Mark and Megan took on the task of building the best Ebeneezer. 

I occupied myself with finding mini fossils. 

Dinner time!

Woof-ems for dessert

And a bedtime devotional. 

Day 1 in the books!

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