Saturday, May 7, 2022

These Magic Moments

This is one of my favorite parts....that anticipation, the organization, the optimism!

No doubt those cucumbers will magically grow and climb up that trellis fast enough to give shade to the kale and lettuce. Yep.  That's totally gonna work. 

Those cute Johnny Jump ups aren't going to completely take over and choke out the other plants, their so cute and innocent!

The broccoli and cabbage aren't going to outgrow that darling netted tunnel. Never.

This Florida Weave method is gonna be the thing that makes this tomatoes not fall over by July. Yep. 

Also, those beans in the back? This is the year we pick all of those on time and not let them get floppy in the fridge and eventually get tossed out. None of them will grow to the size of a small cucumber and then turn crispy and yellow on the plant. 

This is the year!

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