Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Maycember. Vol 1

 It's Maycember. 

We kinda need a big felt calendar to keep track of all the awards assemblies, concerts, special occasions and farewell dinners that we will have in the next two weeks. 

Let's do this. *crack the knuckles*

Megan's final band concert:

This girl has loved band. They are her people. And it's finally time for her to walk across that floor and shake Mr. Fila's hand for the last time. 

I'm gonna miss seeing her serious expression as she furiously counts. Coming in on time when you play percussion is a big deal. 

Pops in the Park:

Laney is an 8th grader and this is the last Pops in the Park for her. She rocked the bass clarinet!

The grade-level talent-show (Everly and Anna both qualified!):

Everly sang "Barking at the Moon"

Anna sang "I Do Adore"

Honestly and objectively...they both killed it. They were selected for the whole school talent show on the last day! 

I mean, how does a mama's heart handle all this nervous pride and happiness and nervousness? How are my kids this smart and cool and brave?

Stay tuned for Volume 2!

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