Friday, July 24, 2015

SBL: Family Band

One of our Summer Bucket List items was to have a family band. Just picture it! Happiness, singing, laughter, music!  We thought we would try to learn "You are my sunshine". 

Me on violin, with a country-fiddle feel

Megan on her pioneer dress 

Everly on vocals. She is a very vocal gal.

Laney making the most of her clappers and peppy attitude...

Ethan and Mat on guitar...

Even though they play trumpet and trombone. But guitar seemed cooler. I argued for the brass. It would've made it a little more "mariachi".

And Anna rocked it out on her washboard and spoons.

Now, this was no easy task.  It took us all day to figure out the chords for the boys and when we had finally done that and we were ready to add Megan in on the piano, we realized that she had learned it in a different key.  I knew she could learn it in the new key, but it stressed her out and she yelled, 

"I quit the band!!"

This started a domino effect of unsatisfied musicians. At one point during the day, I had two on strike, 2 giving me the silent treatment, 1 in tears and another on a snack break. 

But we finally hugged it out and settled our differences. 

We performed our debut and finale all at once for Mark when he came home from work. He smiled and clapped and we checked it off our list. 

It was the best!

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