This has been one of those days that requires a planner....or a phone that chimes 30 minutes before you are scheduled to be somewhere. The last 16 hours:
6:00 am Wake up boys/ get dressed
6:15 Wake up boys again....say "Seriously guys! I mean it!"
6:30 Wake up the other kids and have scripture study
Jump through dozens of hoops and loops to get everyone dressed, fed, hairdo'ed and backpacked
7:30 take boys to middle school
8:00 take girls to elementary
8:30 Crossfit
9:45 Shower and get dressed while I feel guilty that the littles are watching Bambi downstairs.
Frantically clean the "visible house"
10:45 Pack lunch for little girlies and take them to Julia's
11:00 Anniversary lunchdate with Mark
12:30 Collapse in Julias armchair and let Everly sleep on me for an hour while we chat.
2:00 Chiropractor apt
2:45 Grocery store run for a couple necessities
3:10 Pick up boys
3:20 Back to school for Mat to get his homework...he comes out emptyhanded/says it's online?
3:30 drop off boys at home
3:40 pick up girls
4:00 Mat realizes he needs his notebook afterall, doesn't know his username/password for online textbook
4:10 back to school to beg his way in to get to his always, we are indebted to kind janitors
4:30 take Mat to crossfit
Race home and throw in a pizza and feed all available kids, keep running upstairs to sew patches onto scout uniforms
5:30 drop off Megan, Laney, Anna at gymnastics/ Pick up Mat
Feed now warmish pizza to Mark and Mat....keep racing upstairs to sew on patches
6:30 we all go pick up girls from gymnastics and head to the church for scouts
7:00 shuttle girls into the church and get them changed out of their leotards and into church-appropriate attire
7:15 attend combined Court of Honor/Pack Meeting
8:00 wait for Mark to emerge from a "quick board of review"
9:00 head home
9:20 make scrambled egg whites for Everly...needed lean protein after having a few treats today
9:45 stay up with Mathew, Meg and Ethan while they finish homework
And in other news.....we've been married for 15 whole years!
Mark's surprise for me this morning:
A path of 15 paper hearts.
Each one naming something that makes him think of me.
One of my favorites:
It's hard to beat a little stick figure doing overhead squats and "Gardening" with a blossoming
Makes a girl look forward to the next 15 years.
And lunch was fun. It wasn't earth-shattering food, but it was definitely steamy.