Saturday, November 21, 2009


When I do the kids laundry I watch the piles of clothes as I fold their pants and shirts and jammies. If one child's stack seems noticeably taller than another child's I worry that perhaps I subconsciously love that child more and buy them more clothes. I am so relieved to see the stacks even out as I finish folding. The next time I sit down to fold, I start watching the stacks again.

I worry about Megan because she falls to pieces when she makes a mistake on one of her crayon drawings. The shape of the head isn't quite round enough or she accidentally picked up the wrong color. She refuses to go on and crumples up the paper and starts over again. Is she going to be OCD? Why does she need to be perfect? How do I show her how to give herself a break? Will she be the world's most stressed out preschooler?

Will I ever be able to shed 6 pounds off of this wiener dog?

If we have another baby and it's a little boy, will he feel left out because his brothers are so much older than him? And if it's a little girl, will two of the three be really good friends and leave the other one out?

Where did that huge spider go? If it's not on its web, then it's got to be somewhere else. Maybe it's trying to find a way into the house right this very minute.

Is it a bad sign that my little baby daughter can clearly and effectively "tell me off" even though she only knows "momma" "dadda" and "uh-huh"?

How much longer is the washing machine going to last with my jimmy rigged 'Zoo Pals' plastic knives stuck in the agitator button? Reason tells me: not long.

This is the just the tip of the iceberg. Just the tippy tippy top. Anybody know a therapist that has office hours after the kids go to sleep? Over the phone? While I eat some ice cream?


  1. just made me worry about it all too! I hope blogging is some kind of therapy....reading your blog is therapy for me! I mean that in a very positive and thankful help me be a better mom, thanks

  2. Ah, I love a good worrier. Makes me not so worried about being a worrier because it's always good to know someone out there worries as much as me.
    Sounds like life is normal around your house. Will is almost 8 and can't tie his own shoes because he can't do it the first time, so he won't even try. And the other day he told his primary teacher that we was gong to be gone for 7 weeks because he was going to kill himself.
    So you are not alone my friend. Just eat some more ice cream, it will make you feel better.
