Wednesday, November 25, 2009

For all these things...

For my husband. For my babies that are here and those that are to come. For not being in the grocery store check out lane at this very moment. For the happiness that comes from knowing and loving my neighbors. For the opportunity (the obligation, even!) to make 3 kinds of pie. For a great sister willing to drive 8 hours with a chaweenie in the backseat. For mulled cider scented candles, the anticipation of unpacking the Christmas decorations, the careful planning of the advent calendar. For google. For Weezer's Green Album. For the artwork of James C. Christensen. For having my husband home in the mornings ALL WEEK. For the example of an extraordinary mother. For a tough year and the changes it has brought about. For an open heart. For a new sister. For new understanding. For President Monson and President Obama. For indexing. For digital cameras and iPhoto. For a summer of raspberries. For spinach growing in the windowsill. For forgiveness and mercy. For washing machines, vacuums, space heaters and a kitchenaid. For a paycheck. For my siblings and the history and future we share. For music, old and new. For Kit Kats. For Magic Erasers. For Aldi. For second chances. For hidden love notes. For Chicago. For Pork Barbacoa. For A-Ha in the morning. For blogging. For scroll saws and sanders. For Advil Liquigels. For 'Lost'. For true companionship. For hot showers, apricot scrub and clean sheets. For four days of cooking and eating with my little sister. For the opportunity to correct my mistakes. For Timpanogas and Emerald Lake. For Pine Sol. For aprons. For Bakugans, princesses and teepees. For jeans.
For the love of my Father. For the gift of my Brother. For sacrifices.

I am truly grateful.


  1. I am thankful for you Maren!
    I loved your post!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. I loved you post too! Come back to Utah with your cute little shorties!
    I miss you!!!
