Monday, January 19, 2009


You know that gorgeous day we had a few weeks ago? That amazing Saturday when it felt ridiculous that it was January? That was the day that Mathew took his first horse riding lesson. He loved it. His moment had finally come after being told for two years that he needed to wait until he was five.. only to be told that he then needed to wait till the soccer season was over. When you're three, that's an eternity. The day had come. The weather was fantastic. We drove out to the stables and watched as Mathew met his horse, Goldie.Ethan was equally thrilled because instead of his usual lesson under the watchful eye, he was able to take his horse about on his own and essentially cowboy around the arena.Can I confess that I am secretly so glad that these guys love horses so much? I really enjoy going out there and letting them ride. If I wasn't holding a baby, I'd take lessons myself. What is it about horses? They are so beautiful and .....big. They really are SO BIG. But for now, I will content myself with standing outside the arena and breathing in the fresh air. Taking a few pictures and daydreaming of a day when we have our own little place with a couple of horses and Tootsie and Daphne can be official farm dogs. You think Mark will go for it? Laney is thinking of the distant future and contemplating the universe.
Or maybe just thinking she could really use a fresh diaper.


  1. That first picture is gorgeous. I've always thought horses had some sort mystical aura about them. Something about how big they are and yet so gentle. Looks like a lot of fun for your kids.

  2. I LOVE all those pictures!!! I love that your boys love to be out riding. You are a good mom to get them doing what they love early on.
