Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A few things

Why is it that when your son's kindergarten teacher asks you to send in 100 pennies in celebration of the 100th day of school, what seems like thousands of pennies you run across on a daily basis suddenly morph into 3 guitar picks, a Chuck e cheese token and a miniature domino?

It seems that after much, much, much discussion, Mathew has finally been persuaded to take a ham and cheese sandwich in his cold lunch. I guess that's what 100 days of pb&j will do to you. Cross your fingers. This could open up a whole new world of food options for this kid. At the very least let's hope he doesn't vomit. (It's been known to happen)

Why was it necessary for me to exit the vehicle and walk my kids across the school crosswalk TODAY? Not yesterday? Remember? The day I had it all together? Instead I was blessed with the walk of shame...pajama pants, 'Bulls' sweatshirt (hiding the fact that is was, in fact, without certain necessary underthings..ahem), non-matching shoes (although what matches pajama pants?), and of course the frizzy ,slept-on, bed-head. A true moment of humility.

I love that on my way back across the crosswalk I run into my friend who was quick to point out her own bed-head and made me feel so much the better. In two freezing minutes we managed to laugh about our unkempt appearance, bemoan the state of our overflowing trash cans and discuss our non-shoe-tying children. Now that's friendship.

Why, on the first night the baby decides to wake up only 2 times, as opposed to her usual 6-8 (not kidding), do the dogs suddenly have to pee 3 times! 3! Cruelty.


  1. For the record, I was definitely wearing a bra. Even if my hair was a hot mess and I had on house slippers.

  2. I guess welcome back to reality. That so made me laugh because I always put on a sweatshirt when I have to go outside in the morning and hope that it hides the fact that I'm not "all" the way dressed :)
