Sunday, February 18, 2024

Winnie the Blue

So I guess I'm a bird lady. 

After a month of missing Phoebe, we decided to get another little parrotlet. 

And let me tell you. She's her own little bird. 

She fluffs up when she's sleepy or tired. She loves a good scritch...but only when it's her idea. 

She's wild and curious and busy and loud. She loves eyeglasses and will doggedly attempt to climb on them to investigate how they are held together....and how she might take them apart. 

She will give never ending kisses. 

She will physically move your finger away if she isn't interested in having that finger in her face. It's a clear "No, thank you"

She is a total sass.

She's excited to see her people in the morning and really doesn't ever want to sleep in her cage. 

She is so sweet and snuggly when she gets tired. 

Which is a good thing, because at the end of the day, we're tired too!

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