Friday, April 13, 2018

Lake Pomona

We finally made it out to Pomona Lake for our spring campout. We broke out the Coleman stove shortly after putting up our tent so we could make a quick burger dinner. 

Sirois were there early and already all set up. We "pitched" in to help Flynn's set up their tent...get it? Pitched in??

One of the things we love about camping so early in the spring is that there are no leaves, no ticks, no mosquitoes and no camp host watching our every move. So we gather all the branches that have fallen over the winter and use them as firewood.

There is always a lot of leaves left over from the fall to play in.

We mainly hang out and make fire...swing a bit in the hammock

and let the kids slurp down Izzes. It's exclusively a camping treat.

We take a few selfies.

And think a few deep thoughts.

This year the girls packed a big old rolled up Barbie coloring page. It provided unexpected entertainment for the young and old. Well, maybe for the young and the younger.

Ethan has recently discovered a love of tank tops. He needs fresh air on those biceps.

We laughed and talked around the fire...Mari made cobbler and we roasted a few pies in the pie irons.

We eventually stumbled off to bed and were treated to the kind of night you can only experience in a wind tunnel...holy hannah! The wind was wippin through that tent at concerning speeds.

It was loud.

But, it was also perfect for flying kites the next morning.

Everly was more interested in her dandelion bouquet. She is the sweetest.

We thought it might be fun to roast some lil' smokies over the fire. And I'll tell you. It was fun!

Did you know that osage is a very hard wood? Did you know that it takes several men several hours of chopping away to get all the way through a 6 inch log?

And we have a winner! Mathew broke through! I bet that osage could burn for hours!

We were planning on staying a second night, but the weather forecast took an ugly turn and we had severe thunderstorms heading our way. So we packed up early and headed home. And how do feel about that, Martin?

That's how we feel about that.

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