Sunday, January 14, 2018

Everly's ACTUAL 5th style

I don't know if it was the friend party on Friday, it being a Sunday or just being extra tired, but I kinda dropped the ball for Everly's "actual" birthday. She snuggled in our bed about 5 am and was soon asking to go downstairs for breakfast.  When we got to the kitchen, she said "It doesn't look very birthdayish in here."

Ugh...I spaced the morning preparations.

Never fear! There are big kids that can hang streamers and fashion banners with speed and artistic flair. Megan and Mathew were assigned the task.

We headed off to church with a pot roast in the crock pot (the oven is broken), rolls in the breadmaker and a half-frosted cake in the garage fridge.

By the way, how awesome is it that some kind angel whispered in my ear that I might want to save half the cake and freeze it? I've never ever done that before, and it made it so that we would have a cake even though our oven is on strike.

That's super cool.

When we got back from church, we discovered that the roast was done, but the rolls hadn't been turned on. Boo! So we figured better late than never and started the countdown....90 minutes till rolls are mixed and ready. We'll skip the second rise and race over to the Ranzenbergers to cook them in their oven for 14 minutes.

It was 7 o'clock by the time we sat down to eat. We weren't exactly starving because we are family of highly trained snackers. I'm guessing most of us had already had a substantial meal made up of crackers, pickles, cereal and leftover spaghetti noodles.

I can't fight that battle.

But it won't stop us from having our birthday roast with this 5 year old Zippy Zap!

I love the look on her face. She is feeling the love and basking in the glow of the candles. I hope she remembers how much we love her as she grows up and life gets more complicated.

In true Hufford style, she conducted the last few measures of her birthday song.

I would love to know what is in her heart. Does she have a special birthday wish?

A bunch of sillies all having rainbow cake:

Opening Grandma Kathleen's gift. It was a fairy making kit! Withing 15 minutes of the party's end, she had opened it up, decked out her fairy and married her to Rider from Paw Patrol. Laney and Anna assisted with the wedding.

You can never have enough stuffed corduroy wiener dogs dressed in cable knit sweaters.

She's five! And she's not a baby anymore....she's one of the goofies.

Happy Fifth, Everbee. You are the sweetest! It's going to be a great year!

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