Monday, May 15, 2017

That's a wrap

Hold on to yer butts.

It's time for school to end and that means concerts and fieldtrips and awards assemblies and graduations.

Here we go!

Mathew's Jazz band...he inherited a brave gene from an ancestor because he is not...

afraid. Watching him play is simultaneously terrifying and seriously awesome! He always does great and I'm so glad it's not me.

Apparently, he did so well, he has been crowned king over all. He will no longer be required to walk.

He's graduating from middle school, so he has alot of assemblies. This one was "The Pennies". Its for theater and recognizes the kids for their contribution in the last three years.

Theater is the best.

And the long awaited trip to Branson for eighth graders.

 Ethan's symphonic band concert.

Megan literally running up and back to receive her award for killer grades. I almost didn't get my phone up before she bolted off the stage. But she nailed sixth grade. She can run if she wants to.

 Anna singing in her very last kindergarten assembly. ADORABLE.

And we loved her teacher SOOOO much, Mrs. Degraffenreid is the very best of the best. We are going to work our magic to make sure that Everly gets her too.

Megan's final band concert and she got to play the timpani! I love being able to hear her and see her serious face as she executes her part with precision. And I love that tiny involuntary smile she gets when she knows we are watching her.

And finally....Mat's graduation! He did it! He survived middle school and I'm thrilled for him!

Next year he'll be a freshman and Olathe South.

Now, let's go get crackin on that Summer Bucket List!

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