Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Preschool, procrastination and alone time

Today I woke up dark and early. 5 am to be exact. 

It was my turn to drive Ethan to early morning seminary.....wait....that deserves capitals...Early Morning Seminary.

Then I met Courtney Flynn in the parking lot and we went for our run. 

The next three hours was spent in the tornado of morning routines and drop offs....until it was just me and Everbee. 

But wait! Today is Everly's first day of preschool! 

Oh, wait! I forgot that I was supposed to make the Welcome Poster for her group. Oh, snap.

The next 45 minutes was a blur of scrapbook paper, glue sticks, photo files, contact paper, stealing velcro tabs off my General Conference megaboard, laminating, and running frantically up and down the stairs troubleshooting printer problems. 

I even found this photo I took on accident....it sums it all up.

And I finished with 2 minutes to spare.

Not too bad!!

I wanted them to be able to put their picture wherever they like for the day. Wanna be in a tree? Be in a tree!

We even had a few minutes for a 'First Day Photo'. I love her little shwoofy hair flipping up under her backpack.

I dropped her off and gave a whoop and a holler as I drove home because this is a moment I have been waiting for for 15 years.

I've got 2 hours alone and I'm not paying anybody.

What to do? What to do?

I know I will not be dealing with this:

Or cleaning up this:

Nothing feels good enough for this 120 minutes. Should I sleep? No. I can sleep anytime. (No, I can't.) Should I read? I could do that when the kids are home. (I don't.)  Maybe balance the checkbook? Mercy, no.

I feel like I should do some grand service for humankind or make strides towards developing a vaccine for Zika. 

But what I really need is a shower. Uninterrupted. Secure in the knowledge that I will not be called upon to break up a fight and facilitate mutual understanding while yelling though the bathroom door and shampoo drips in my eyes. 

I might even streak to the laundry room for a fresh towel. 

So, 2 very short hours later, freshly washed and hair curled....it was time to pick her up. 

She was having a good time.

She showed me the climbing game. And we left. And I was glad to have my buddy back.

And then I got these in the mail:

My husband totally gets me.

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