Monday, November 9, 2015

Don't freak out.

You know, eventually every kid is going to come home from school with lice. 

It's a statistical probability. 

It's not your don't stress about it. 

The fact that there are that many types of lice shampoo at the grocery store tells you demand is high. 

It happens. 

Still, as you are combing little bugs out of your darling baby's hair, it is hard not to get the heebie jeebies. So, you might as well swallow your pride and march yourself in to the school so the nurse can take a look at your head.

It's gonna be hard. But then you can stop itching at the phantom bugs, or you can just treat yourself and move on with your life.

On the plus side, all the stuffed animals need to be bagged up and left alone for weeks. That is going to make picking up infinitely easier.

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