Saturday, March 1, 2014

And we bowl

There's always that day in the late winter/early spring when staying home for the evening seems like the most depressing thing on earth.

That's when we head to the bowling alley.

Ethan bowls quite well in the beginning and you can see it on his face. If this were a video, you'd be watching him strut back to his seat after his second strike.

Meg was feeling anxiety over aging out of the bumper set. But after a few lessons on the granny technique and enjoying a hot bowling alley pretzel with an unidentified cheese dipping sauce, she's feeling a little better.

How can a sauce be clear and orange at the same time?

Anna would roll that ball and it would ever so slowly make its way towards the pins.

Often, when you were sure it was about to hit one of the bumpers, it would just magically change direction and start heading over to the other side. Perhaps it was feeling the pull of the tides.

Mark wore his best bowling alley attire. He felt many kindred spirits nearby.

We decided against revealing its status as a joke shirt. It isn't smart to anger the locals.

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