Saturday, November 30, 2013

Gaining a year and losing your cookies

Poor, poor Anna. 

This year her birthday fell just a little too close to our Thanksgiving Barf-o-rama.

And even though she was the second one to get 7 days ago...she managed to go for another trip through Vomitville on the night before her 3rd birthday. 

By the time morning came, Dad had stripped her bed and given her another bath and we thought that she deserved a bit of an early celebration. 


If you've got to be stuck in your bed on your birthday, it helps to have a miniature horse wearing a miniature hat to keep you company.

I don't have a photo of dinner, but I am 100% positive that it was spaghetti with meatsauce and garlic bread with a healthy side of her favorite: torn (corn).

Her favorite gift this year was from Grandma Kathleen, who sent her twin lemurs!

And she loved the little note she sent along with them just as much. She had Mathew read it to her over and over and she kept moving the sparkly flower stickers.

Maybe not the absolute best birthday ever, but it definitely ended better than it started.

Happy 3rd Birthday, Annigator!

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