Tuesday, July 30, 2013

These days

Usually when I am stuck in the bed with sleeping baby draped on my legs, this is going through my head, "I wonder if I can wiggle out from under her and not wake her up? I need to get some laundry going! Who am I kidding, I need a shower. I need to unload and load the dishes....except I promised myself that the next time the baby was asleep, I would spend some quality time with Anna...or Laney...or SOMEBODY! Dear Heaven. My kids are neglected. They must think I only love the baby. Man. I really need to shift my weight. My legs are going to sleep and I haven't been able to feel my butt for the last 10 minutes. Maybe I should just try to fall asleep, they say that you should sleep when the baby sleeps...HA! Hilarious. I really shouldn't move at all. Numb legs are a small price to pay for a few quiet moments. OH NO....one of the kids is coming up the stairs. They are coming to tattle and they are going to be too loud or they will try to climb up on the bed and they are going to WAKE UP THE BABY! Pleeeeaaaaase.....pleeeasse.....don't talk loud. No no no no no no no....don't climb the bed! Shhhh! Mommy will make you a treat if you back out of the room very quietly."

This method of bargaining never works. Because 1) Anna is incapable of stopping herself from doing anything at this point.  2) She knows perfectly well that the chances of getting a treat anyway are 100% anyway.

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