The very day that we said goodbye to the Youngs, we said "Hello!" to Bri and Amanda and their two boys! They arrived that evening after driving for
MANY MANY hours from Ohio. They were beat, but they still came over to chat before they headed to their hotel. It was so good to seem them all. It had been over a year since my last visit to Utah.
The next morning we had big plans. We thought we would go downtown to see the sights and let the kids play with each other. Quentin is Mathew's age and Mathew was soaking up the cousin attention. On our way to play, we met up with Mark at a local Mexican restaurant to glut ourselves upon the chips and salsa. We chose Mi Ranchito because they share a business space with a tire shop. EVERYBODY knows that the best Mexican places are located in tire shops. As we were eating, Mark noticed that Ethan's hand was
quite fat. Ethan had showed me earlier, but I didn't think much of it, perhaps a bad mosquito bite. Mark pointed out that Ethan was having a difficult time bending his fingers and we should probably get it checked out, just in case it was a nasty spider bite or an allergic reaction to something.
We decided to head back towards home and called the urgent care. I wrung my hands and worried what to do. I took a photo so that I could check later and see if it had gotten any bigger.

I swear this doesn't do it justice. It was a chunky monkey.
In the end, I went in to the Walgreens and talked to the pharmacist there. He suggested ice and a dose of antihistamine.
A bit anti-climatic, but
just enough drama to derail our plans for the day.
We opted instead for a cool dip in the hotel pool and dinner at our house.
Bri held Anna and we cooked and gabbed. I loved it.
Later we were entertained by an excellent round of killer nerf guns.
Thomas really got into it. He snuck up behind Mark and tried for an easy kill.

But, alas. Mark is the Grand Poobah of Nerf War.
The hunter became the hunted.
He stayed in character and died a noble death.

Mark flying Mathew's birthday helicopter.

Bri and Amanda praying that they aren't about to get chopped in the head by a rogue helicopter.

Polishing the night off with Moosetracks.
Charismatic Quentin

Sweet Thomas.

Even though our day didn't go as planned, I LOVED spending time with my sister and her beautiful family. Bri, I think you are awesome! Thanks for being willing to drive all that way to come and see us. It meant so much to me to have you here.