Thursday, July 21, 2011

A classic

To kick off the ridiculous amount of photos I will be sharing with you all (hi Mom!), concerning our Hufford Summer Adventures (hitherto referred to as HSA), I'd like to start with a classic.

Putting the sprinkler under the trampoline.

When I suggested this to my kids, they gasped with delight and verbally praised me for my fun and inventive idea. Like I had made it up. I had just gone up a few rungs on the "fun parent ladder". I didn't feel the need to disillusion them. The view is way better up here.

So we started with the sprinkler. The first sprinkler head I tried was LAME-O. It couldn't muster the pressure to get anything through the trampoline fabric (is it fabric?). You know what I mean. I went inside for a minute to make lunch and the kids dug out a much better sprinkler head and swapped it out. They're getting so old and capable. It's weird and awesome.

This was super fun for a little while and then they started to get a little bored. Meg went down to investigate and consider their options.

They called for help. From DAD. "Hey! Dad!......DAD!....We need your fun expertise!"

He's the actual fun parent. His fun rung is substantially higher than mine. So naturally he "rigged it up".

Then he backed up, ran full speed and dove in.

And did fantastical flips

Don't worry honey, I know your not supposed to climb to the very top of a ladder, but it's okay because I'm way down here on the bottom keeping it from falling over and holding the camera. And the baby. And the sunscreen. And graham crackers (in case someone gets hungry).

I know....I should have dove in too.

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