Thursday, June 2, 2011

It's that time again...

Are you ready to "Name That Hufford?"






Good luck to you all.

Let's hope this is the only time in which you will be a witness to all my children naked at the same time.


  1. I'm not sure on all of these. I know #4 is Megan. I'm also reasonably sure #1 and #3 are both Laney and that this was a trick question.

  2. I know...those two are freaky deeky look alikes, right? I KNEW it! And yes, Meg is very easy to spot. Those cheeks are a dead give away.

  3. Okay, I guess #1 Laney, #2 Anna, #3 Matthew, #4 Megan, #5 Ethan?? Am I even close??

  4. Three out of five, Emily! Not bad!

  5. I guess:

    #1 Laney
    #2 Mathew
    #3 Anna
    #4 Megan
    #5 Ethan

    Love every single one of them!!!

  6. I wrote down my answers and saw they are the same as mom' I am hoping she is right. I must admit I cheated by identifying counter tops and backsplashes to help narrow things down.

  7. 1. Laney
    2. Ethan
    3. Anna
    4. Megan
    5. Mathew

  8. #3 has to be Anna. I'd know that squisher anywhere. The rest... holy cow. what happened? did they run out of baby molds in heaven?

  9. I agree with Josie, your kids are so cute and it's a lot of fun that you can do this.
