After several days of crafting with my three girly girls, it was time to go to Family Day at Cub Scout Camp. We packed a picnic (Cheetos, Capri-Sun and Suzy Q's), applied our sunscreen and bug spray and headed out to Lake Olathe.
The boys were dying to show us all the totally awesome stuff they had been doing during the week. High on that list were:
1. Fishing
2. BB guns
3. Archery
4. The Mulberry Tree
We headed off to the fishing spot first. This was our fatal mistake. We didn't realize that it would take so long to get over there and we also didn't realize that there was nobody there to help the boys show off their newly acquired skills. Not a pole in sight.
Still, it was pretty and we walked out on the dock. It was hot.

We started making our way back to the camp and then we got sidetracked and ended up participating in a lengthy game of human chess. Mark said he would be a pawn. He felt he could really get into character.

Nearby was the acclaimed mulberry tree. "MOM! Did you know that you can EAT these mulberries? They are awesome! C'mon! Let's go get some!"
It was hot. And the tree was way over there across the field. I thought I might get out of it if we tried to distract the boys with going over to the BB gun station. "Don't you want to go shoot some AWESOME BB guns? Huh?"
They were more excited about this mulberry tree than you might think.

Megan was convinced. She took off like Laura Ingalls in the opening sequence of Little House on the Prairie.

Mark started making his way over.

Wouldn't you know it? Those mulberries are pretty tasty. Although you couldn't pay me to have one in my yard. Just imagine the sheer volume of purple berry poop all over your entire yard/house/car. It boggles the mind.

By the time we had trekked down to the lake, played human chess, and partaken of the mulberry tree, it was too late to do the bb guns and archery.
Luckily, there were Cheetos and Suzi Q's to be had.

All things considered, I think we got a pretty accurate picture of what they'd been up to all week. They were having a wonderful time.