Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I feel like a new woman today.

We just wrapped up 6 solid days of stomach flu....each family member taking a turn in the spotlight of wretched retchedness. Three of the four children opted for the nightshift, their poor, tired little bodies dry heaving every twenty minutes like clockwork. All night long. By Sunday I was a zombie in need of sleep and sanitation. By Monday I was feeling nauseous myself.

But today, TODAY I feel like I could disinfect the surfaces of the world. And I plan to. There is bedding to strip, wash (burn over an open fire?) and replace.

Today I feel like I could pull out that funky drawer in the kitchen and investigate why it's not rolling properly. I'm feeling so much better.. I might even fix it.

Then if the stars align and karma blows my way, I'll balance the checkbook.

In retrospect, the stomach flu could be a good thing.

a. I got a day off. Mark took over and I watched reruns on hulu.
b. I lost a pound and a half.
c. Nothing like a little nastiness to make you appreciate with extreme clarity how good you usually have it.
d. This bedding was long overdue for a wash. Clean sheets!
e. I learned that a Blizzard does not make nausea worse. So go for it. (Oreos and pecans, please)
d. A side of effect of barfing for 24 hours is lethargy. 4 lethargic kids = quietness = thank you.

Now, I must be off! I have Clorox wipes just waiting to be put to good use.


  1. Ohhhhhhhhhh! So glad you are feeling better! Happy disinfecting!!! This calls for a big bowl of fresh cut up fruit in the refrigerator. Nothing like fruities after the pukies.

  2. I am glad taht everyone is doing better. The flu is the worst. But I must agree with you, there is nothing like a bad case of the flu to help appreciate the crazy, but good feeling days.
    Happy Bleaching.
