Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hated it.

Okay..I hated having the blog private. It was a pain for those in my family who don't have (or have any desire to have) a google account to see the blog, like half my immediate family and others. The reinviting thing is lame and new posts don't show up on people's lists...stupid. (That's a bad word in our house. sh!) Plus it just took some of the excitement out of it. So we're back. Now I'm just being careful about disclosing locations and other specific info. So.. Hi! Did you miss me?


  1. Thank you! I love to know you will be excited about blogging again because I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts and like to check in on you an embarrassing number of times a day:)

  2. Whew, welcome back to the public world, it missed you for sure! I have had the same back and forth feelings about haveing a private blog, but always came to the same conclusion. So we too are keeping it public and open, welcome one and all!

    And here's a "hey gorgeous" just for you!!

  3. I SO missed you!! Welcome back to the "risky" world!
